
Event: FOOD versus/and FUEL

Malcolm Shepherd probes increasing concerns surrounding and policy shift away from biofuels.

Monday 29th September, 18:45 to 20.45

The Gallery, 70/77 Cowcross Street, Farringdon, London, EC1M 6EJ

The production of biofuels from agriculture to replace fossil fuels was originally widely applauded, but concerns over the displacement of food production, doubts about carbon savings, and dismay over deforestation for land use are increasingly shifting public opinion and putting pressure on policy. In July the UK government announced a reduction in its biofuel targets.

Malcolm Shepherd asks however, if the bio-fuel picture has been over simplified, and misinformed by powerful interests, including those who don't want to lose their lucrative market share in liquid fuels?

Malcolm Shepherd is Managing Director of Biofuel Matters Ltd, a company that provides specialist consultancy services on biofuel issues, and he has spoken widely on his investigations into the issues and facts surrounding the "food versus fuel" debate.

He on the current complex situation, he will suggest that if properly produced, the use of food crops for biofuels can actually improve food security, stabilise food prices and reduce poverty. (BBC radio programme “Our food, our future” 28th July)


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